Monday, February 9, 2009

The Corkscrew Lives!!!

So today I took it upon myself in Annie's absence to add in the extra helix to the corkscrew design. It took a while because the different helixes did not want to cooperate and line up correctly. Eventually it all worked out, but only after I deleted all of the mates in the assembly that were holding the piece together. I was about to an additional helix for the third part of the corkscrew until I realized that I could just reuse the outer helix that I already had. I used two outer helixes with a 22 in. diameter and one inner helix with a 13 in. diameter.

I ended the day by adding the corkscrew onto the chassis. The corkscrew, as we have it drawn and put together now, hangs over the side of the chassis but with a little tweeking that problem should be solved in no time. I think I just need to move the positioning of the helixes on the base plate and the corkscrew should fit within the confines of the chassis.

The next step will be the drawign of the various brushes that are included in our design. If we are unable to draw actual brushes then we will make rectangles which look like sponges and put them in the design as brushes.

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